Sunday, December 30, 2007
Reflections New Year
Reflecting on the past….It just seems likes yesterday…As you reflect on 2007, what stands out most in your mind from the events of your life? Joys? Regrets? Boredom? Fears? Grief? There are benefits from reflection, learning from these experiences. Reflections can also become a hindrance if they hold you back from the future plans the Lord has for you.
Let me ask you another question. As you reflect on the past year, what stands out most in your spiritual life from 2007? Did you grow? Were you stretched or challenged in your faith? Did you lead someone to the Lord, or even invite someone to church. Did you read through the Bible or even read the Bible everyday. Did you go to church every week? Did you pray everyday and see answers to those prayers? Sadly enough, so often people are so busy striving to reach goals in this life; big savings, vacations, educations, new stuff, they don’t even consider the need to set spiritual goals.
As each year comes to a close, I try to take time to reflect on my spiritual growth in the past year. I examine my life and seek the Lord’s guidance in areas of my life that need spiritual attention, renewal, dedication…As I do this, I seek scripture that will help me throughout the new year to reach that spiritual goal. Once I’ve decided on a passage of scripture I record it in the front flyleaf of my Bible. It is a reminder to me throughout the year of what God is trying to do in me.
I would like to challenge each of you to examine your spiritual relationship with God. Is it personal or is it religious? Seek God’s will in setting a spiritual resolution or goal for 2008. Write it down with a verse of scripture. Mediate in the Word. Ask God in pray for help to make the changes so you can grow and reach a new spiritual heights in your personal relationship with Him. As you grow in your knowledge of the Lord you will desire God and He will become a part of your everyday living. Don’t let the past hold you back from the blessings God has in store for you.
Colossians 1:10
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.”
Monday, October 15, 2007
Learning to Be Content Regarless of the IF-ONLYS
It seems the older you get, the more you reflect back on your past. Decisions made or not made. Words spoken without thinking. Or neglecting to stay in contact with someone you love. As you reflect upon God and His Word knowing He is truly sovereign you can learn to be content regardless of the IF-ONLYS. Claim the challenges He gives: "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."Philippians 3:13.
The author of our study discusses two kinds of guilt: Destructive and Constructive. Constructive guilt is when we recognize we have sinned and then confess and repent that sin. Know God has forgiven, learning from our sin and moving forward. Destructive guilt is confessing the sin, but not believing or living as though you have been forgiven. If you have trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have all the resource you need for a godly guilt-free life. Strength, love, self-discipline, God's divine power. Are you claiming and using these resources, living like the daughter of the King of Kings. You have riches untold, you have the resources, live them! You believe in God, live like you do. Put your complete confidence in God.
Let's discuss some "IF-ONLY" questions:
1. Is there a tomorrow? Yes if you let go of the past. Philippians 3:14 " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Press on and left what's been done behind.
"Some there are that torment themselves afresh with he memory of what is past; others, again afflict themselves with the apprehension of evils to come; and very ridiculously both - for the one does not now concern us, and the other not yet...One should count each day a separate life."
2. Will there be another chance? Yes, there will be another chance. God does not keep a record of our failures. Jeremiah 31:34 "I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." God is far more concerned with were we are going then where we've been.
3. Is this damage permanent? No, damage does not need to be permanent, you can start over. So many examples are found in the Bible of those who fail. But they were forgiven and able to start over again. The problem will not be resolved if you don't get up after you fall down. God does forgive and He never leaves you or forsakes you. Claim His promises!
4, Can this broken life be rebuilt? Yes, God can restore and rebuild our lived when we are truly repentant and want to make a new start. David committed adultery and murder. Psalm 51 shows us his heart. He was repentant and the joy of his salvation was restored. Later on in Scripture David was called a man after God's own heart.
Have "IF-ONLYS" caused you to lose the joy of your salvation. Is your river of life dried up? You can restore that joy and have contentment in your relationship with Christ again if you will repent of the sins, and let go of the past and life today rejoicing in the joy of the Lord.
Remember you have all the resources you need for living a life of godliness and joy. "If you are born again, all you need is what you have, and what you have is what He is!" God's grace is sufficient for all your needs.
Let us pray for one another and encourage one another in the Lord. Let your comment at the end of this lesson. Please email me if you would like to keep your comments private at
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Learning to Be Content Regardless of the "WHAT-IFS" lesson 8
I lose my job
I run out of money
I get cancer
I don't have enough money to retire
I lose my sight
My husband dies or loses his job
My children don't succeed....
Our fears of the future often put us in a prison of doubt. Then we find that these thoughts control our every waking moment. Since my last posting I had an event in my life that I was beginning to fear the future. My retina became detached in my eye and I began to worry and fear "what if" I become permanently blinded. We have all had these doubts and fear arise in our lives, often on a daily basis. The key that unlocks the prison door of this fear and doubt is "PROMISE" the promises of God in His Word.
Where do these fears come from? They don't come from God. Satan uses many sources to attack us and cause us to doubt the promises of God. These sources may be people, problems, and perplexities. Let's look at a some of these.
People may leave us, reject us, or die. But God's PROMISES can quiet these fears. Look at Hebrews 13:5, 6 "I will never leave you, nor forsake thee. The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." I have a friend, who are experienced this to it's fullest extent. Her husband left her, her grown son won't communicate with her, her daughter has moved away and doesn't have a phone. She is lonely, but has been seeking the Lord to fill that void. She is learning to lean upon her Savior to meet these needs and to fill that loneliness. This is a choice she is making, otherwise she would be miserable.
Problems - what problems are you dealing with that are causing you to be fearful? Look up Isaiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in thee." When we worry about problems we are not trusting God. You can replace fear with peace if we trust God. Now ask yourself, what makes more sense living in fear or living in perfect peace. Claim the PROMISES of God. I John 4:18 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear." "Love in your heart frees you from fear; relates you to the Source of Life, God; and releases positive feelings to overcome hostility, redress wrongs, heal hurts, and build relationships. Love is the strongest fores int he world...It give you the winning advantage in all human contacts." (Morgan)
Possibilities - the what-ifs cause fear in your life. What if the thing you fear does take place? What is the worst thing that could happen? If you will trust in the Lord to care for you no matter what the possibilities you don't need to fear. Here is another PROMISE...Psalm 112:7-8 "They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless." Here is another Psalm 57:7 "My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises! Wake up, my soul!" I encourage you to read the whole chapter.
Perplexities - Sometimes we don't understand why God allows certain things to happen in our lives. When we question "why God" Satan will play tricks with our mind and cause more fears and anxieties. Again we need to stand on the PROMISES of God and stand again the wiles of the devil. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. This promise is worth standing on..."Remember, that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." I Corinthians 10:13.
The Solution to Fear is believing God's PROMISES! Galatians 6: 8-10s give us encouragement to keep on going and living faithful for God trusting in His PROMISES "Those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't' get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Whenever we have the opportunity we should do good to everyone.
Psalm 34: 4. "I prayed to the Lord, and He answer me, freeing me from all my fears "(what-ifs)! PRAY and believe the PROMISES of God. Trust God. God is your refuge. God will uphold you. Wait on the Lord. He will never leave you or forsake you. His love for you is an everlasting love.
I challenge you to read your Bible and underline every promise you see in a specific color. Then as you begin to feel as though you are wavering, start flipping through your Bible and stand on the PROMISES of God. With Christ we are more than conqueror! Contentment comes from our relationship to God and our confident trust in Him, not from our responsess or feelings to our circumstances or people.
You are not facing your fears alone - - - God is with you always.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Learning to Be Content with JUST ENOUGH - Lesson 8
I recall an incident in my life that really taught me to be content and realize what I had was enough. We moved into a new house about 17 years ago. It was beautiful, the kids finally had their own rooms. Big kitchen and master with it's own bath. But my "stuff" was OLD in my eyes and didn't "fit in" the new house. I was determined that I needed a new couch. The old one still looked fine and was even still comfortable. Anyway I decided to try to sell the old one then I would justify getting a new one. I had a yard sale and did quite well, but guess what, the couch did not sell. I keep looking at new ones, but my husband was determined that we didn't need a new one so he was not very cooperative. I put the "old" couch back into the living room. The Lord was dealing with me trying to teach me to be content. I did learn to be content with the old couch and do you know that couch stayed in that house and even moved to the next one with us. I remember that situation every once in a while and God reminds me to be content with what I have and not to become anxious for more. He will always take care of all my needs and so often even gives me the desires of my heart. I did finally get a new couch, actually a living room set with couch, love seat, and recliner. It wasn't completely new though. A friend was getting a new living room set. They wanted to know if wanted their older set. It was much more beautiful than my really old worn out one was now. I still have it and love it, it was free and it's a Lazy boy! God is so good!
So many times we get into the habit of thinking if I could get a raise, a new car, bigger refrigerator, newer this or that...all my trouble would be over. Enough is never enough. The Word of God talks about this money issue over a 1,000 times. Why do you think this is? Probably because God know that this is one of the biggest down falls of man. We have more problems handling money problems and material possessions than anything else in our life.
Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) says "Above all else, guard your heart, for it effects everything you do." In Scripture, I John 2:16, it says what the world has to offer or tempt us with is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Physical pleasure, pleasure in what we see and pleasure in the things we have. These are not from the Father they are from the world. Remember that this world is fading away, we need to focus on doing the will of the Father which will reap eternal rewards!
What does your heart dwell on? Do your eyes keeping looking for more things you can acquire? Do these things bring peace, security, comfort, eternal reward? Back to I John 2:15 we are told not to love the things of this world. Matthew 5 teaches that God will take care of every need we have and we don't need to worry about these things. If we put loving and serving God ahead of serving our money we will find God is all sufficient for everything and you will even be enriched so you have extra to share with others. II Corinthians 9:8-11.
Juanita Purcell challenges us to choose a lifestyle. John McDonald says it this way: "Don't let your income dictate our lifestyle. Choose a level of living that you need, and do not compromise that with more spending when more income arrives. If you don't choose a lifestyle, this culture Will choose one for you, and it will be the lifestyle of living beyond your means." This certainly sounds like a Godly plan.
Everything we have comes from God, so it really all belongs to God. We need to learn to live our life completely for God even using our money and possessions for God. It all had to do with our heart attitude and our relationship with God. We are not our own be have been bought with a price. The blood of Jesus Christ. We try to make claim to what is ours, when it really all belongs to God. Let me encourage you to spend more time and effort growing a rich relationship with God and not growing a rich bank account. Enjoy what God has given you and share it with others as you serve God.
So what is the formula for contentment? Contentment has a partner and it is godliness. So a good formula would be
- Choose contentment so as a lifestyle. Strive to come to a place where you really believe you do not need to have more to be happier
- Learn to think and say "I have enough, I don't need more."
- Choose a comfortable level of living and do not compromise that lifestyle with more spending if you make more money.
Godliness with contentment is great gain...I Timothy 6:6
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Learning to Be Content with WHO YOU ARE Lesson 7
Self-Image is a focal point in our society today. We are always reminded to look at who we are, what we have and if we match the standards that someone else has set. If we don't "measure up," it negatively influences our social life, job, and relationships. We have a need to feel loved, accepted, and successful and it is crucial to our emotional and spiritual well-being. What is the mental picture you have of yourself? Is it a Biblically accurate realistic picture?
We each need to learn to see ourselves as God sees us. No one is as emotionally or spiritually well-balanced as we would like to be. As we reflect on our life, we should see positive steps being taken forward as we mature in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. "PBPGIFWMY". Have you ever seen the bumper sticker with these initials? They stand for "please be patient God isn't finished with me yet!" I'm reminded the the Scripture that says when we are born-again, having just begun your relationship with God, you are like a babe, drinking and understanding only the milk of the Word. But as you grow in your faith you can begin to eat meat, or understand the deeper things of God. Are you growing in your spiritual faith? If you are, you will be learning to be content with who you are.
Open your Bible to Ephesians 4:17-29. As you study this passage you will see, as you grow, there will be changes in your desires, attitudes, and self-image. If you are not growing you will not be content with who you are. You will be moody, depressed, frustrated, irritable, jealous, and have a low-self image. As you continue in this chapter you will find you should be putting away those old attitudes and putting on the new person, full of kindness, forgiving, loving, tenderness because you are becoming more life Christ. Which person is more content with who they are? The person with bad attitudes and actions or the one with good attitudes?
This change cannot happen on it's own. Nor can these changes happen without Christ. God is the only one who can transform us. Read Romans 12:1 & 2. We are to present or give ourselves as a living sacrifice: holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. The normal thing for a child of God to do, give themselves completely over to God. Don't be conformed to the world or the things of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You can choose to try stopping old habits, but they need to be replaced with a new God honoring habit.
Remember, just because the world may look perfect in our eyes ("as seen on TV") it is not. Why do the "successful" actors often die young by their own hand? Are they content with who they are even by the world standards? It is impossible to ever be content with who you are if you are basing your contentment on the standards of this world. Romans 12:3 says "do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but think soberly, according as God hath dealt to everyone man a measure of faith."
Do you know how Christ sees you? As you mature in your love for God and begin to see yourself as He sees you, all of your desires for love and acceptance begin to be fulfilled.
- You are loved eternally and unconditionally Jeremiah 31:3
- You are a friend of God. John 15:13-15
- You have strength to do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13
- Christ lives in you. Galatians 2:20
- You have wisdom from God. James 1:5
- You have been delivered from sin and it's penalty I John 1:6 & Ephesians 1:7
This is how God sees you. When you see yourself as God sees you, you will begin to realize your value and worth to God and you will become content with who you are... the daughter of the King of Kings!
My acceptance is based on Who God is and what He has done for me, not what I do for Him. I am created in Christ Jesus a workmanship. God wants me to succeed and have a sense of significance. When I sin or fail, He still loves me and still forgives me. Because I am of value to Him, He is always looking out for my best. Walk by faith, obey God, grow in the truth of His Word and learn to be content with who you are! God didn't made not junk!
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Learning to be Content without WORRYING
So far in our study on the "Secrets of Contentment" we have learned we must have FAITH IN GOD to live a contented life; that contentment doesn't just happen, but we must learn to choose to live a life of contentment; we can also learn to be content in whatever season of life we find ourselves in, because life doesn't stay the same, it is ever changing; and we need to learn to be content in our relationships with others, which can be a challenge, but again is a choice.
Contentment is built on a relationship with Christ.
This foundation never changes.
Worry will control your whole life, if you don't learn to let God handle your concerns. The Scripture memory verse for the week is very clear what God teaches about worry. I'll include it again here from the New Living Translation "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34. We have all heard this verse over and over, but have we applied it to our everyday life? James 1:8 says we are not to be "double-minded". Matthew 6:27 says that worry will not add a single inch to your height or for that matter a single minute to your day. Does worry every really accomplish anything good? It really only brings "trouble", and who needs any more of that? Why worry when you can pray?
- It is unreasonable
- It is unecessary
- It is unwise
- It is unhealthy
- It is unproductive
- It is a SIN
The solution to worry is found in God's Word. Remember our memory verse Matthew 6:34. There is no problem with making plans for tomorrow or anytime in the future. But be ready to change those plans as the day arrives, because God's plan for me today may be different than what I planned. His ways are better than mine! Philippians 4:19 is a promise we all have quoted many times "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory." You know God will be there tomorrow, just as He is today. Why worry? Look up the following verses: Matthew 10:29-31, I Peter 5:7, Psalm 42:5,11, Philippians 3:13,14, James 4:17 .
How can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? How can you say God refuses to hear your case? Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? Don't you know He never grows faint or weary? No one can measure the depths of His understanding.
He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak. Even the youth will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Can this apply to us today? Do we question our Lord the same way when we worry? Worry distorts our thinking, disrupts our work, disquiets our soul, disturbs our body, disfigures our face, destroys our poise, depresses our friends, demoralizes our life, defeats our faith, and debilitates our energy. Remember who the Lord is and trust Him. God will strengthen you and you will not grow weary and you won't need to worry over everything, small or large. Are you tired of being tired? We don't have to be tired or weary, we need to cast our burdens on the Lord and you will find new strength as we trust in Him. Why worry when you can pray?
Take a moment and make a list of your physical, financial and spiritual needs. Then under each write down what you're worried about and why you are worried. After making your list, stop and consider how concerned do you think God is about these needs? He cares for the little sparrows, are we not His children. He knows all things about each one of us. He loves us so much He came to earth and died so we would have eternal life. I know I can trust Him with every worry I have or will ever have.
Consider Philippians 4:4-9. These verse we can claim to help us step closer to a contented life, by overcoming worry. Rejoice, be forbearing and gentle, pray and be thankful, and receive PEACE from God which will guard your heart and mind. Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, admirable, excellent. REJOICE! Why worry when you can pray?
A Roman philosopher summed up our greatest problem when he said "Our life is what our thoughts make it. If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable." God's word says that where our treaure is there will our heart be. Why worry when you can pray?
Let's all commit to worrying less and trusting God more.
The author of our study has some helpful hints to aid us in breaking the worry habit:
- Put a rubber band around your wrist and everytime you start worry, snap yourself and say, "Am I trusting God?"
- Instead of worrying, start working on your problem. Write it down and then ask what does God want me to do aobut this problem.
- Turn every care into a prayer. What have you been worrying about? Start praying about instead!
Contentment comes from our confident trust in God
and our relationship with Him not from circumstances or people!
Please leave your comments at the end of this lesson. Click on the comment bar. Type your message, sign it (if you want) and then click the anonomys button and submit. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Learning to Be Content in Your Relationships Lesson 5
Lynn Elder...I first met her when both our families moved into new homes across the street from one another near Louisville, Kentucky. She was just two years older than me, she had two girls and a step son, we had our three children with our youngest only 2 months old. We lived across the street from one another for 8 short years and our friendship lasted a life time. I started having Bible studies with Lynn around her kitchen table, she had lots of questions, and I was always nervous about whether or not I could answer them. Her husband was not saved or were their children. We started a children's Bible club in our living room and their children came. Sometime later they allowed us to have an adult Bible study in their livingroom where Albert taught about end times. Lynn started growing in her relationship with the Lord, Larry got saved as did their children. I got to take Lynn to the hospital the day she was in labor with their fourth child.
After we moved away, we tried to say in touch, but now as I look back, I wish we had seen one another more. We would stop by and see them when we were traveling. We would call and write from time to time. Two years ago, knowing Lynn was sick with cancer, I wanted to go spend a few days with her. It was a precious time together that I will always cherish. We felt as though we were sister not just friends. We had a special understanding or insight into the feelings and emotional needs of one another. We spent a lot of time together as young mothers, encouraging and helping each other. Relationships don't just happen they are developed over time and they take work. But the reward of those relationship are so precious. The reward for me was being able to be with the now grown children, as now Larry and Lynn are both in glory with our Lord. This family with 4 children, 3 married and 11 grandchildren are living for the Lord.
Learnng to be content in your relationship...Lesson 5.
Being content with all the people our lives touch is sometimes hard. Good relationships, like the one with Lynn continues to bring untold joy and a great sense of contentment. Broken relationships, unforgiveness, hard feelings cause problems with everything in your life. Hebrews 12:15 says "Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and therby many be defiled." Forgiveness, true forgivness is essential if you have offended or been offended to regain the joy and contentment in relationships with people in your life.
We may reason that it "hurts" to much to deal with; or that they don't "deserve" to be forgiven. We simply must be reminded from the scripture Christ's great love as He choose to die for our sins. Did it "hurt"? Do we "deserve" to be forgiven. The author, Juanita Purcell states: "When a relationship is broken, most people attack the person rather than the problem. Another mistake people make in broken relationships is to ignore or cover them up, as if they had not happened. Words inflicted in the heart must be dealt with, or they will grow like a cancer. Some people treat relationships as disposable goods; they just discard them. Fixing relatinships seems to be more trouble than the relatinships are worth."
According to God's Word we need to restore broken relatinships. Christ paid the price of death so that you and I could be reconciled to God. Jeremiah 31:3 tells of an everlasting love God has for us. Christ humbled himself ( Philippians 2:8) in obedience because He loves us so much. But in many cases we "think" we are better than the offender so we lift ourselves up in pride refusing to be humble and obedient to God. Don't be afraid to humble yourself or open yourself up to be hurt. God will use a humble spirit to mend a broken relationship that will be priceless in the future.
Several times Lynn and I had disagreements in our early years of friendship. I felt lonely and broken until the relationship was mended. The gift of a "friend" is worth the pain it may take to repair a broken relationship. My friend Lynn didn't know the friends she had. I heard her say that no one will come when she died. At her funeral, there were many family members there remembering her life, as well as many friends...lives she had touched because as the Pastor said at her memorial service "she was an 'others' person"...always reaching out to help and give and encourage.
I believe one of the biggest things that separates friends is assuming you know what the other person "might be thinking". My Bible (and your's too) says to think on things that are true, not on things that "might be". Also we are taught that to have friends we must be a friend. Put aside feelings, that probably are not even real, and have a life full by joy by having lots of friends.
Having contentment in my relationships does not just happen, I have to choose to work on it. I may have hurt you or you may have hurt me. Let's humble ourselves and forgive one another so that we can be free from an unforgiving, bitter spirit. Unforgiveness and bitterness are costly. The freedom from forgiveness is peace, joy and contentment - a great value that we cannot put a price tag on.
Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Please select the "comment" button at the end of this lesson. Type your message/testimony/encouragement and sign your name (if you want to make your identity known). Click on the anynomous button and publish your comment. We appreciate your involvement in this women's Bible study ministry.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Learning to Be Content in Every Circumstance Lesson 4
In the lesson this week, we are encouraged to look at Paul's writings in Philippians 4:12 where he has learned to have a grateful heart not only when the going was good, but when things were not so good either. It is easy to be thankful when things are good. But it is another whole issue when we are struggling with hardships. How do you give thanks when things are so hard? It isn't easy, but with the power of God who lives in us we can choose to be thankful for everything!
I love the quote from Matthew Henry in our lesson book, where he wrote the following in his diary after being robbed: "Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, let me be thankful that although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed." A thankful heart is truly a choice!
God's desire for me is to a thankful can I argue with this good God desires for me? Does this have anything to do with living a life of contentment? I believe that this aspect our our life is vital to living a contented life. Being thankful in everything and all things. Read our memory verse again. No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, we God desires us to be content.
Do you find it easier to find fault, complain and grumble? If you have a ungrateful heart discouragement and discontentment will overcome you. If a grateful heart is the path you choose to follow a contented life will come followed with peace and joy. If you having a hard time getting stated with a thankful heart, turn to Psalm 107 and see some things God wants us to be grateful for. Count your blessing, they are there if you choose to look for them. A good exercise to help determine your attitude is to make a chart and list your complaints and thanks. Your heart attitude will be revealed by the length of complaints vs thanks.
The Israelites while in the wilderness, had God visibly with them everyday. A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. They saw the miracles of God's leading and provision on a daily basis. Yet they began to complain and grumble and were discontent with everything. This sin became a pattern and they grumbled and complained. Ungrateful attitudes penetrate into our hearts and minds. Proverbs 23:7 says "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Disciplined Bible study and prayer can change this pattern and you can learn to live a grateful life a contented life.
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 We must learn to cast down our ungodly and discouraging thought. We must imprison the unbiblical thought that are in our minds. We must be obedient and pleasing to Christ.
Philippians 4:8 & 9 will help us to direct our thought toward godliness. "Finally brethren, whatever things are true (real), whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS. Those things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and see in me DO, and the God peace shall be with you."
Be encouraged, trust God in His Word. Don't keep struggling with past issues. Don't keep trying to guess the future. Don't keep trying to fix things happening today. God assures us throughout the Bible of His love, forgiveness, comfort, encouragement, and care. If you find yourself discontent and discouraged, stop and pray. Evaluate your situation and ask yourself if you are dwelling on unbiblical thoughts? Claim the promises in the Word . The author of our study encourages us to try a daily mental exercise in the Bible. Think on these truths as you find yourself thinking unbiblical thought:
Sunday - God is my protector Psalm 91:1,2
Monday - God always does what is right Genesis 18:25
Tuesday - God hears me and wants to help me Psalm 34.4
Wednesday - God is near me Psalm 139:7
Thursday - God has good things planned for His people (yes, even me) Jeremiah 29:11
Friday - God will not give up on me Philippians 1:6
Saturday - god will never give me more than I can bear I Corinthians 10:13
Start your own list of promises from God. Then claim them and stand on them.
A secret to living a life of contentment is giving thanks to God in everything. Have a grateful attitude in the good and bad times. Knowing God in His power is in control.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Learning to Be Content Lesson 3
So how do you define "contentment"?
Saturday, July 7, 2007
FAITH: The First Factor in Finding Contentment
- Memorize the verse of the week
- Meditate on God's Word to find wisdom
- Apply the teaching of God's Word
- Pray the Word will help you to grow in the truth
The memory verse this week will cause you to ponder whether you "please God" with your life. God is faithful to us everyday in every way. But so often we don't live our life by faith, trusting in His sovereignty. I Thessalonians 5:19 teaches us that we are not to quench the spirit. Literally by living an unfaithful life we drowned out God's blessings in our lives. If we believe he is, we will diligently seek him, live by faith and be rewarded (blessed). Have you had a "faith" check-up lately?
Streams in the Desert is a wonderful devotional book first copyrighted in 1925. This week, July 6th the devotional was on this walk of faith. 2 Chronicles 20:12 "Neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon thee." Stated in the book "If we wholly trust an interest to God, we must keep our hands off it; and He will guard it for us better than we can help Him. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Things my seem to be going all wrong, but He knows as well as we; and He will arise in the right moment if we are really trusting Him so fully as to let Him work in His own way and time. There is nothing so masterly as inactivity in some things, and there is nothing so hurtful as restless working, for God has undertaken to work His soverign will." - A.G. Simpson
FAITH: The First Factor in Finding Contentment--Is God asking you to walk by faith in some particular area? Has He asked you to trust Him in that area? Are you trusting only in what you can see, or are you trusting in God's Word?
Prayer: Lord, we thank you for loving me even when my faith is so weak. Help me Lord to walk by faith, trusting you alone. Thank you for the life of contentment I can have simply by trusting my life to you.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Searching for Contentment
True contentment starts with peace with God. You can receive this peace when you accept Christ as your Savior. Without accepting Christ as your personal Savior, your life will be troubled, full of unrest and anxiety, always searching for "something". Ephesians 2:13 & 14 says without God you are without hope. God loves us all, and wants us to live an abundant, full, content life. But without the peace that comes only through Christ and His redemptive power can any one have that peace. The peace of God which comes through salvation will lead to true contentment. To learn more about having a personal relationship with Christ read the following scriptures: John 3:16-17; John 10:10; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8; John 14:6, John 1:12, Ephesian 2:8.
Peace with God, what's next in the search for contentment? As your personal relationship with God grows you learn to trust Him with your life. In this process you learn that God is sovereign so you can trust Him with your life in any circumstance. The sovereignty of God means God is God; He has no equal (Isaiah 40:25). "The earth is the LORD'S, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him" Psalm 24:1.
In God's sovereignty He...
- Directs your steps Proverbs 16:9
- God's works are perfect, even if He made them "crooked" Ecclesiastes 7:13
- God does whatever He pleases, with whom He pleases, and when He pleases Psalm 115:3
- No one can change or thwart God's will. He works out every event to accomplish His will Daniel 4:34, 35
- God determines whether you can do what you have planned Lamentations 3:37,38
I like to say, "if I can trust God to give me eternal life and save me from the depth of hell, I can certainly trust Him with the "little" day to day issues". Put your confidence in God, trust Him fully and then you can be content with whatever comes into your life. Life can be so much more simple if we can trust it to God, no worries, no concerns. Trust the King of Kings.
Sometimes it is hard to understand what God is doing in your life. Somestimes life brings hurts, grief, sadness, sickness...God does not always explain Himself. Know God has a plan and purpose for your life and He is fulfilling His will in your life. Isaiah 55:8-12 is a favorite passage for me in this area of the soverignty of God, is says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than you thoughts..." Trust the God of heaven.
So, what is going on in your life right now? Things going good, or not so good? How is your attitude? Good, or not so good? Is God in control of your life, are you willing to allow the sovereign God of heaven to work out His plan and purpose for your life. God takes all the good and all the bad experiences in your life to help conform you to the likeness of God, Jesus Christ. Will you allow Him to conform you, make you into His likeness?
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaser, to give you a future and a hope." TRUST GOD!
Have faith, submit to God and His Word. You will then find true contentment and be able to rest in God as you learn to TRUST AND OBEY.