Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning to Be Content with JUST ENOUGH - Lesson 8

When is enough really enough? How much is enough? Our author has a quote in the introduction that says "Just Enough: The rich person is not the person who has the most, but the one who doesn't need more" Do you need more? Why?

I recall an incident in my life that really taught me to be content and realize what I had was enough. We moved into a new house about 17 years ago. It was beautiful, the kids finally had their own rooms. Big kitchen and master with it's own bath. But my "stuff" was OLD in my eyes and didn't "fit in" the new house. I was determined that I needed a new couch. The old one still looked fine and was even still comfortable. Anyway I decided to try to sell the old one then I would justify getting a new one. I had a yard sale and did quite well, but guess what, the couch did not sell. I keep looking at new ones, but my husband was determined that we didn't need a new one so he was not very cooperative. I put the "old" couch back into the living room. The Lord was dealing with me trying to teach me to be content. I did learn to be content with the old couch and do you know that couch stayed in that house and even moved to the next one with us. I remember that situation every once in a while and God reminds me to be content with what I have and not to become anxious for more. He will always take care of all my needs and so often even gives me the desires of my heart. I did finally get a new couch, actually a living room set with couch, love seat, and recliner. It wasn't completely new though. A friend was getting a new living room set. They wanted to know if wanted their older set. It was much more beautiful than my really old worn out one was now. I still have it and love it, it was free and it's a Lazy boy! God is so good!

So many times we get into the habit of thinking if I could get a raise, a new car, bigger refrigerator, newer this or that...all my trouble would be over. Enough is never enough. The Word of God talks about this money issue over a 1,000 times. Why do you think this is? Probably because God know that this is one of the biggest down falls of man. We have more problems handling money problems and material possessions than anything else in our life.

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) says "Above all else, guard your heart, for it effects everything you do." In Scripture, I John 2:16, it says what the world has to offer or tempt us with is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Physical pleasure, pleasure in what we see and pleasure in the things we have. These are not from the Father they are from the world. Remember that this world is fading away, we need to focus on doing the will of the Father which will reap eternal rewards!

What does your heart dwell on? Do your eyes keeping looking for more things you can acquire? Do these things bring peace, security, comfort, eternal reward? Back to I John 2:15 we are told not to love the things of this world. Matthew 5 teaches that God will take care of every need we have and we don't need to worry about these things. If we put loving and serving God ahead of serving our money we will find God is all sufficient for everything and you will even be enriched so you have extra to share with others. II Corinthians 9:8-11.

Juanita Purcell challenges us to choose a lifestyle. John McDonald says it this way: "Don't let your income dictate our lifestyle. Choose a level of living that you need, and do not compromise that with more spending when more income arrives. If you don't choose a lifestyle, this culture Will choose one for you, and it will be the lifestyle of living beyond your means." This certainly sounds like a Godly plan.

Everything we have comes from God, so it really all belongs to God. We need to learn to live our life completely for God even using our money and possessions for God. It all had to do with our heart attitude and our relationship with God. We are not our own be have been bought with a price. The blood of Jesus Christ. We try to make claim to what is ours, when it really all belongs to God. Let me encourage you to spend more time and effort growing a rich relationship with God and not growing a rich bank account. Enjoy what God has given you and share it with others as you serve God.

So what is the formula for contentment? Contentment has a partner and it is godliness. So a good formula would be

Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain
The Pursuit of Contentment is Godliness
If you want to be contented, you must come to the place where you can say:
Then add to that,
  • Choose contentment so as a lifestyle. Strive to come to a place where you really believe you do not need to have more to be happier
  • Learn to think and say "I have enough, I don't need more."
  • Choose a comfortable level of living and do not compromise that lifestyle with more spending if you make more money.

Godliness with contentment is great gain...I Timothy 6:6

1 comment:

Mark and Laura said...

This was one of the lessons that I struggled with the most. I even did a blog post on my blog because it was such a challenge to me. I have found throughtout my life that I have always wanted more and now whenever I start to think in that direction again I try to stop and tell myself that I am not being content with just enough.

Right now I struggle with wanting a bigger nicer house. But for now my house is just enough for all of us. When we have more kids then we will need more space but for now it's just enough. Pray for me that I won't struggle with that. I have always dreamed of living in a nice house like what we had in SugarLand or what you all live in now but then I remember how long it was before you all even got that nice of a house. God will give us what we need but for now I have just enough.

Thanks for keeping up on this Bible study book. It really has been an encouragement to me. I have really learned a lot.

Love you!