It seems the older you get, the more you reflect back on your past. Decisions made or not made. Words spoken without thinking. Or neglecting to stay in contact with someone you love. As you reflect upon God and His Word knowing He is truly sovereign you can learn to be content regardless of the IF-ONLYS. Claim the challenges He gives: "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."Philippians 3:13.
The author of our study discusses two kinds of guilt: Destructive and Constructive. Constructive guilt is when we recognize we have sinned and then confess and repent that sin. Know God has forgiven, learning from our sin and moving forward. Destructive guilt is confessing the sin, but not believing or living as though you have been forgiven. If you have trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have all the resource you need for a godly guilt-free life. Strength, love, self-discipline, God's divine power. Are you claiming and using these resources, living like the daughter of the King of Kings. You have riches untold, you have the resources, live them! You believe in God, live like you do. Put your complete confidence in God.
Let's discuss some "IF-ONLY" questions:
1. Is there a tomorrow? Yes if you let go of the past. Philippians 3:14 " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" Press on and left what's been done behind.
"Some there are that torment themselves afresh with he memory of what is past; others, again afflict themselves with the apprehension of evils to come; and very ridiculously both - for the one does not now concern us, and the other not yet...One should count each day a separate life."
2. Will there be another chance? Yes, there will be another chance. God does not keep a record of our failures. Jeremiah 31:34 "I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." God is far more concerned with were we are going then where we've been.
3. Is this damage permanent? No, damage does not need to be permanent, you can start over. So many examples are found in the Bible of those who fail. But they were forgiven and able to start over again. The problem will not be resolved if you don't get up after you fall down. God does forgive and He never leaves you or forsakes you. Claim His promises!
4, Can this broken life be rebuilt? Yes, God can restore and rebuild our lived when we are truly repentant and want to make a new start. David committed adultery and murder. Psalm 51 shows us his heart. He was repentant and the joy of his salvation was restored. Later on in Scripture David was called a man after God's own heart.
Have "IF-ONLYS" caused you to lose the joy of your salvation. Is your river of life dried up? You can restore that joy and have contentment in your relationship with Christ again if you will repent of the sins, and let go of the past and life today rejoicing in the joy of the Lord.
Remember you have all the resources you need for living a life of godliness and joy. "If you are born again, all you need is what you have, and what you have is what He is!" God's grace is sufficient for all your needs.
Let us pray for one another and encourage one another in the Lord. Let your comment at the end of this lesson. Please email me if you would like to keep your comments private at