Saturday, June 30, 2007

Searching for Contentment

What are you searching for in your life today? Is it success? happiness? money? peace? Our study on the "Secret of Contentment" begins with Searching for Contentment. Once true contentment is found, you will find all the other things you may be searching for are not as important or even what you really need or desire.

True contentment starts with peace with God. You can receive this peace when you accept Christ as your Savior. Without accepting Christ as your personal Savior, your life will be troubled, full of unrest and anxiety, always searching for "something". Ephesians 2:13 & 14 says without God you are without hope. God loves us all, and wants us to live an abundant, full, content life. But without the peace that comes only through Christ and His redemptive power can any one have that peace. The peace of God which comes through salvation will lead to true contentment. To learn more about having a personal relationship with Christ read the following scriptures: John 3:16-17; John 10:10; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8; John 14:6, John 1:12, Ephesian 2:8.

Peace with God, what's next in the search for contentment? As your personal relationship with God grows you learn to trust Him with your life. In this process you learn that God is sovereign so you can trust Him with your life in any circumstance. The sovereignty of God means God is God; He has no equal (Isaiah 40:25). "The earth is the LORD'S, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him" Psalm 24:1.
In God's sovereignty He...
  • Directs your steps Proverbs 16:9
  • God's works are perfect, even if He made them "crooked" Ecclesiastes 7:13
  • God does whatever He pleases, with whom He pleases, and when He pleases Psalm 115:3
  • No one can change or thwart God's will. He works out every event to accomplish His will Daniel 4:34, 35
  • God determines whether you can do what you have planned Lamentations 3:37,38

I like to say, "if I can trust God to give me eternal life and save me from the depth of hell, I can certainly trust Him with the "little" day to day issues". Put your confidence in God, trust Him fully and then you can be content with whatever comes into your life. Life can be so much more simple if we can trust it to God, no worries, no concerns. Trust the King of Kings.

Sometimes it is hard to understand what God is doing in your life. Somestimes life brings hurts, grief, sadness, sickness...God does not always explain Himself. Know God has a plan and purpose for your life and He is fulfilling His will in your life. Isaiah 55:8-12 is a favorite passage for me in this area of the soverignty of God, is says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than you thoughts..." Trust the God of heaven.

So, what is going on in your life right now? Things going good, or not so good? How is your attitude? Good, or not so good? Is God in control of your life, are you willing to allow the sovereign God of heaven to work out His plan and purpose for your life. God takes all the good and all the bad experiences in your life to help conform you to the likeness of God, Jesus Christ. Will you allow Him to conform you, make you into His likeness?

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaser, to give you a future and a hope." TRUST GOD!

Have faith, submit to God and His Word. You will then find true contentment and be able to rest in God as you learn to TRUST AND OBEY.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bible Study is an important way for us as women to grow our personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, and to be an encouragement to one another. With the busy schedule so many have, it is often difficult to find a specific day or time to meet on a regular basis. The purpose of this blog is to study the Word together at your convenience each week. You are encouraged to make comments on this blog as you study the lesson. If we each share what the Lord is teaching us by sharing our heart, it will be an encouragement to all who participate.
To COMMENT on a lesson, click on the comments button on the bottom of the lesson. After typing your comments, click on anonymous followed by the publish button. You are able to also read the comments others have published. If you have a personal comment or prayer request, send an e-mail.

"The Secret of Contentment" our first study, is based upon the study book written by Juanita Purcell, published by Regular Baptist Press. The study can be ordered on line by choosing the Regular Baptist Press link on this blog or by calling to place an order at 1.800.727.4440
Each of the studies will be available on this blog, so if you miss one you can always catch-up! I am really excited and looking forward to studying the Word together in this format.
A Daughter of the King,